tower reactor

英 [ˈtaʊə(r) riˈæktə(r)] 美 [ˈtaʊər riˈæktər]

网络  塔式反应器



  1. North Korea is expected to underscore its commitment to the six-party deal on Friday by demolishing, with explosive charges, the massive cooling tower of the Yongbyon reactor.
  2. It has also destroyed the cooling tower at its reactor at Yongbyon.
  3. He said there has been progress, noting North Korea's recent declaration of its plutonium enrichment activities and the destruction of the cooling tower at its Yongbyon reactor.
  4. Pressure vessel tower reactor
  5. In a tower reactor polymerization may be carried out in two zones.
  6. Comparison between Spray Tower and Jet Bubbling Reactor Flue Gas Desulfurization Techniques
  7. A sidestream from the de-aeration tower feeds two sand filters and a calcium reactor.
  8. Demonstrates process principles of no-ammonia recovery process of single tower atmospheric stripping and ammonia burning technology with ammonia-containing acidic gas entering sulfur reactor and presents the application of this process in integrated sulfur plant.
  9. The catalytic reforming system mainly consists of fractionating tower, hydrogenation reactor, heat exchanger, pump and catalytic reforming reactor.
  10. Emphasis is placed on the industrial application of gamma scanning in tower operation and the neutron backscatter in the level detection of an industrial gas/ liquid separator and a hydrogenation reactor.
  11. The study on treating nitrite in surface water with tower reactor
  12. Study of Chlorinated Paraffin-70 Synthesis By Tower Reactor
  13. Catalytic Synthesis of 1, 2-Dichloro-4-nitrobenzene in a Specially Designed Tower Reactor
  14. The influence of the internal circulating reactor on yield and quality of white oil is compared with that of circulating reactor, gate agitatingreactor and bubbling tower reactor.
  15. The applications and developments of CFD in chemical engineering field which included filled tower, cyclone separator, biochemical reactor, exsiccator, fluidized bed, heat exchanger are reviewed.
  16. Study on kinetics of nuclease P_1 fermentation in airlift tower loop reactor
  17. A New Process For Chlorination of Paraffin in The Tower Reactor
  18. The Port Kembla Copper ( PKC) copper smelting facilities were commissioned during 2000. Numerous difficulties were encountered during the commissioning such as multiple reactor tuyere line failures, absorbing acid tower refractory collapse, and Noranda Reactor and Mitsubishi Converter process control problems.
  19. The Dragon Tower Study on Biological Nutrients Removal in Loop Reactor
  20. Under the condition of oxygen, some strain of microorganism is inoculated in a up-flow packed tower reactor in which the sulfide is converted into sulfur or sulfate.
  21. Pilot-plant Study on Treatment of Drinking Water by UV/ O_3 Bubbling Tower Reactor
  22. The reaction was run in a fluidized-bed tower reactor.
  23. Suppose that the reactants on enery plate reached complete mixing, the reaction conversion on every plate of the tower was calculated by using the mathematical model for multi-step reactor.
  24. The paper studied on removal of trace organic compounds in drinking water by UV/ O_ 3 bubbling tower reactor.
  25. In this tower reactor, the liquid/ gas flow, residence time and pressure drop could be manipulated using special tray structure with liquid downflow and gas upflow pipes.
  26. The second model added by the mass fraction of the solvent extraction tower with a tower reactor operating temperature and the relationship between the yield of 1,3-butadiene, initially to determine the concentration of this solvent.
  27. Detailed experimental investigations have been carried out with the continuous tower like bubbling reactor system. Several cognitions were obtained by the mechanism and characteristic study taken under different reaction conditions, such as H2S flow rate, temperature and reactant concentration.